Collection 2023

Social Commitments SD is constantly looking to play its social role in the community. We are proud to say that we contribute to projects and initiatives intending to make the world a better place. It’s been 70 years of social and environmental support and many stories to tell. ALMA - Academia Livre de Música e Artes (Free Academy of Music and Arts) SD supports the performing arts for children, teenagers, and adults together with ALMA (Free Academy of Music and Arts). This project consists in offering, free of charge, training courses in music, theater, and dance. ALMA also performs presentations, lectures, and entertainment for the community. FAEPA – Fundação de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Assistência do Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto - USP (Foundation for Support to Teaching, Research, and Assistance of Hospital das Clínicas of Ribeirão Preto – USP) FAEPA is a non-profit organization whose objective is to provide public utility services. SD contributes to the acquisition of equipment to improve both diagnoses and treatments for patients who need cancer care. Associação Guia Esportes SJRP - Guia RP (Sports Guide Association SJRP – Guide RP) SD believes in transforming the lives of children and adolescents through sport. The Associação Guia Esportes de São José do Rio Preto (Sports Guide Association from São José do Rio Preto) is an NGO that takes sports to children, creating equal opportunities and improving the quality of life. FUMAPI is an NGO located in Catanduva, as is SD. Looking at the needs of the local community, SD together with Fumapi contribute to improvements in the long-stay institution for the elderly (ILPI). This partnership allows us to guarantee continuous care and quality of life for the elderly in a situation of vulnerability. FUNDAÇÃO TOQUE – Fundação para o bem estar educacional, esportivo, social e cultural (Foundation for educational, sporting, social and cultural well-being) Araraquara relies on Agrogueto technology, which aims to develop food and economic self-sufficiency in the outskirts of the city. SD is on a mission to help form 10 independent centers, with the capacity to serve 500 families each and provide the same basic food baskets. 200 vegetable gardens will also be delivered in Size mandala that will feed about 4 thousand people. FUMAPI – Fundo Municipal do Idoso de Catanduva (Municipal Fund for the Elderly of Catanduva)

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